Who We Are
Triple Spiral of Dún na Sidhe is a Pagan spiritual community that gathers together to remember the Old Ways and hold sacred space to honor all of creation. We work, primarily, from a Celtic tradition with reference to the Native American and cross-cultural pagan wisdoms. The Women of Triple Spiral meet at the Full Moon to work in the Grove and invoke various aspects of the Goddess. At the Fire Feasts (Beltain, Lughnasa, and Samhain) we join with the Men of our community to participate in rituals that honor the connection and balance of female and male, Earth and Sky, Goddesses and Gods.
We meet to honor the Sacred Mother. We show respect to the Goddesss and Gods, Ancestors and Spirits of the Land. Dogma gets checked at the door. Any other spiritual paths you may follow are ok with us. Many of us wear several different layers simultaneously. Other manifestations of the Divine can be invoked in other times and spaces. We ask that you respect the privacy of the Sisters and Brothers and not share their names with people outside the Circle.
Our Story
My spiritual journey began in my childhood, surrounded by spirits and guides and drawing comfort from trees and water and sky. My father’s family is a particularly American conglomeration of Celtic immigrants, and my organic rhythms harmonized with those traditions. Catholic grade school brought another layer of spiritual thought and suppressed much of what had come before.
In my 20’s I lived in NYC and found a number of teachers from different Native American traditions. I began to feel an awakening of inchoate spiritual longing.
When my daughter was born I got the first of what I have come to call “the cosmic 2by4’s upside the head”. A place needed to be made where girls could have ceremonies and learn about the Goddess, and stay attuned to their divine connection. Along with my spiritual “big sister”, the Rev. Eugenia Lee Hancock, I started a Moon Circle where women came together and sought the Divine Feminine.
This need for Sacred Space, for women to come together and remember, took several turns until it landed here at Dún na Sidhe. This land is a gift for us all to make community and remember the old ways. After a year or so, we felt compelled (another cosmic 2by4) to make a place where the men and boys could join us. And so we began to celebrate the Celtic Fire Feasts as well as the Full Moons.
More cosmic 2by 4’s , and we now are an incorporated 501c-3, have held classes for maidens, coming of age ceremonies for young men, have run two classes of women dedicated to priestess training, built a Labyrinth, expanded the Grove, and become the North American location for a WISE EARTH healing center through the RISE organization. My learning continues through association with teachers from Celtic, Avalonian, Native American, Daoist, and Senegalese faith traditions
I remain committed to making and holding space for the Goddess, for I believe that only when She is seen and held as sacred can the peoples of this Earth begin to repair the damage to our planet and cultures. We are continuing to be a tribute to our ancestors.
What comes next...
Our goals as a community continue to expand and evolve. Our new association with RISE (Revivers of Indigenous Spiritual Ecosystems) creates opportunities for our congregation to develop relationships with indigenous and pagan groups around the world. We are the North American site for the WISE EARTH healing centers that aim to protect and educate in the Old Ways. We will continue to enhance our training programs..
On the Land we have dreams of opening up the old well that dates from colonial times, building a separate structure that can be a home for classes and ceremonies, and creating more permaculture features to love and care for the land itself.
I would love to see a training program and a set of standards developed to guide women toward initiation as Priestesses of Triple Spiral of Dún na Sidhe. And in the works are more Triple Spiral guided tours of Ireland and Scotland to visit sacred ancient sites and do ritual there.
Our community loves to sing, and we have designed a songbook of all the chants written by the women of Triple Spiral. It is available in special edition, 8.5-11 spiral bound version, along with downloadable recordings of the music on this website.
I long to be continuously growing and open to the needs of this community- to serve the people of the now, those who have come before, and those that will come after.
Blessed Be